Thursday, November 26, 2009


This has been a difficult year for many families in our community, but today we need to be thankful for many things. If you have your health you have everything. Our office family are grateful for our health and the privilege of serving the wonderful people in our practice. It has been very rewarding to be a small part of so many interesting lives.
We have been witnessing people sliding on their normal re-care appointments and have suffered some unfortunate adverse outcomes. Tooth aches, abscesses, gum infections and other totally preventable events are becoming more common due to this current trend of procrastination. Give the gift of health during the holidays. Get a check-up or a re-care appointment with the dentist and bring a family member with. Start or maintain an exercise program. Watch your diet (After today). Give your whole family a hug. Thank God for all your gifts. Sincerely Happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 9, 2009


The American Dental Association has a Council that is called "CEBJA" by dentists famililar with the Council structure of the ADA. CEBJA stands for the Council on Ethics, Bylaws and Judicial Affairs. I am attending my third meeting on this Council this coming Friday and Saturday in Chicago. The name reflects the nature of this council very accurately. Last Friday I attended and all day workshop at "The Loft" in Minneapolis, Mn. The presenter was Mary Carrol Moore who had survived two bouts with cancer. With her past experiences her workshop "Healing through Writing" was very inspirational and educational. I am always learning.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Evidence-Based Dentistry

The Friday Oct. 30 th, 2009 Presentations went off without a hitch.
Clinicians are finally starting to get a better handle on the importance of Practice-Based Research in Dentistry. It is intended to add more credible evidence into clinical practice, but it is not intended to replace clinical judgement, patient choice and practitioners skills. The Minnesota Dental Association presents...
Practical Research for Clinical Excellence:
Be Better - Be Smarter - and Be Part of the Process!
Friday, October 30, 2009
University of Minnesota
St. Paul Continuing Education and Conference Center
1890 Buford Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108-6092
Cost: $75 Per person - must be paid in advance. *(Mail in check or fax us your credit card number.)
Time: 8:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Buffet lunch is included!
* “The ADA’s Center for Evidence-based Dentistry: Practical Resources for Scientifi c Evidence”
Dr. Julie Frantsve-Hawley, Director of the ADA Research Institute & Center for Evidence-based Dentistry, Chicago, IL
* “Moving into the Age of Evidence with PBRNs”
Dr. Jane Gillette, Clinical Research Dentist and Private Practitioner, Bozeman, MT
* “Promoting Evidence - based Dentistry Through Practice-Based Research Networks: Learning Never Gets Old!”
Dr. Paul Benjamin, General Practice Dentist in Miami, FL and Practitioner-Investigator serving on
Executive Committee of NIDCR-funded PBRN.
* Round Table Discussions: “EBD - Turning Fear into Empowerment!”
Dr. Patrick Foy, General Dentist and Practitioner-Investigator serving on Executive Committee of NIDCR-funded
PBRN, Minneapolis, MN. by Patrick J Foy, DDS