Monday, September 21, 2009


Dental Bonding—This is a process where a composite material is applied to the tooth surface by simple process of etching the enamel with a weak acid and followed by a bonding resin. This is usually a one visit procedure. This bond allows the dentist to place the dental composite material onto the enamel without destroying tooth structure. The dental composite materials are strong and color stable, but they can pick up stain and have a greater risk of fracture over time. A dental composite is a material that is a blend of a plastic resin material and hard porcelain particles. The composites are improving over time due to the dental industry’s hard work and dedication to research in this area of restorative materials. The increasing popularity and demand for an ideal composite has driven the dental companies to develop a wide variety of composite materials that can be used for a variety of dental solutions. Dental Veneers—This is a process where a thin custom manufactured hard porcelain is bonded onto a tooth that is minimally prepared or in some cases with no preparation. . This is usually a two appointment process. The first appointment, after the teeth are prepared or modified an impression is taken; the case is sent off to a dental laboratory for construction of a custom designed smile. There are many variables that go into smile design, but the most important part of the process is communication between all parties involved. Patient-to-Dentist communication is a bi-direction discussion clarifying dreams, wishes and expectations. The dentist needs to explain the risks and possible complications of the procedures and hopefully realistically meet the patient’s expectations within the limitations of the materials currently available. The Dentist and the laboratory will work out an esthetic result that will not only create a dazzling smile, but will also function properly. This planning process is important in order for everyone to have a clear understanding of the anticipated outcome. Smiling is a wonderful way to experience life. Patrick J Foy DDS


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